Monday, November 10, 2014

Everything That Falls Has Purpose

I love Fall.  From the moment things begin to transform, my heart leaps for joy in anticipation of the glory display my Creator is about to perform right in front of my eyes.  A favorite place to frequent in Fall is Stones River Battlefield.  Everywhere I look, there is a story.  As I was at the end of my run this morning, this small acorn caught my eye.  I began to think of what this acorn means for the squirrel that may gather it, or the soil that may start a sapling in the Spring.  But what God showed me this morning is that it had to fall for the squirrel or for new life.  

I have had some very close people to me experience a fall of sorts over the past few weeks, and when I was looking at the acorn, I was thinking of them, only to realize that the lesson of the fallen acorn was really for me today.

I got the most exciting news today.  A young pregnant girl that I had spoken to back in the Spring and encouraged (pretty much begged) not to have an abortion, delivered her baby girl today.  I was elated!  My heart leapt out of my chest this morning as I thanked God that a baby was saved.  The reality of my own abortion weighs so heavily at times when I see the magnitude of lives being lost because of fear.  The elation that I felt this morning was soon clouded by the old tapes that have played in my head for over 25 years.  "Why couldn't you have been strong and saved your baby?"  "You are a loser."  "You are worthless."  As soon as I got home, I quickly told my husband Mike my struggle, and he prayed that the joy of a life saved would not be overshadowed by lies that the enemy would use to steal the joy of the day.

I know the Truth…and He has set me free from the condemnation that I have spoken over myself for years.  I am loved…I am forgiven…I have no condemnation awaiting me…I am worthy…I am white as snow because of the blood of the Lamb…I am strong…I am victorious because of Christ.

25 years ago I fell into the trap of the enemy who told me I had no way out, that I was too young, and that I had my whole life ahead of me to have babies.  I fell into 15 years of shame and secrecy that said I would only be accepted if no one knew the truth of my sin.  But because I fell, a baby got life today.  Because I fell, I have had the amazing opportunity to lead other women to freedom in Christ who have suffered from the secrecy and shame of having an abortion.  Because I fell, I have had, and continue to have open, honest conversations with countless young people about what it means to live in purity, and speak love and grace to them when they haven't.  And because I fell, I know the love of Christ and grace that amazes me every day that I wouldn't trade for anything.  Because I am loved much, I know that God gives me the capacity to love even more.

So I don't know where you've fallen from, and I know from experience that the enemy of your soul wants to keep you down, but rest assured…if you have fallen, there is a purpose, a purpose that you may not see now, but will be used for good.  God's word promises that.  Look beyond the broken, the seemingly wasted, the fallen, to see the God that is the Restorer of LIFE.