Looking at her snow drift as she opened her back door, I thought of the gazillions of snowflakes that it took to make that mound.
I don't know, maybe you're that one who took that first drink to help you "relax" from a hard day at work, and you have found yourself in the heavy of dependence. Or maybe you might be one who has come through quite a few surgeries that required narcotics in recovery, and you've found yourself buying off of the street. Maybe you're the one, that as a child, wasn't given many reasons to trust, so you find yourself not trusting anyone. Maybe you're the one the has had the family worry and fear passed down, so you live your life heavy and unable to live joy in the moment of today.
I have struggled with many things in my life: Shame, not feeling enough, codependency, rejection, that have been so heavy at times that the thought of digging out of them seemed insurmountable. God was so gracious to show me that the way I was living and the thoughts I had about myself were never His best for me. In 2003, he gave me Breaking Free, later He gave me Classic Christianity that completely sealed my heart on who I am in Christ. This past year, God gave me a shovel to help me heal even deeper when He gave me Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Codependent No More.
Digging out is such a process. God has shown me that nothing ever worth fighting for happens overnight. I am thankful to know that even though life can be heavy, there is always One who will hand me the shovel and come alongside.