Monday, August 2, 2010

Give Me a Drink!

The temperature in Tennessee this week will be close to 100 degrees.  The heat index will be close to 110 degrees.  I usually water my flowers every other day in the summer, but because of the heat, I am stepping it up daily, at least until the heat subsides.  The Miracle Grow has even made its way out of the shed, as I'm fearful that the flowers will wilt in the heat.

As I made my way around the yard, flooding all of my plants with a good drink of water, God turned my thoughts toward my own walk with Him.  I had to ask myself the question, "When I feel the sweltering heat come into my own life through challenges, pain, weakness, or sadness, do I flood my life with an extra drink in the Word to sustain me?"  Many times, the answer is "No".  I become so consumed with the circumstance, "the heat", that it becomes my main focus, and not the Source that can give me a drink through the relief and nourishment of His Word.

I look at my flowers and I'm reminded that they need watered regularly in order to stay healthy, and a double watering when the heat tries to consume them.  My life, also, needs a watering of His Word to keep me healthy as well, and when the heat comes, it needs a double portion! 

"you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."  (John 4:10)