Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Harvest Is Plentiful

This is the first year that I've been able to attract hummingbirds.  I have put out the same feeder year after year, and have even put enticing red sweet stuff in the feeder to lure them, but with no success.  Just this year, my mom brought me a new feeder, and within a day, the hummingbirds started coming.
Something that I quickly began to notice with these Hummingbirds is that they are very territorial.  It is rare to see more than one on the feeder at once, because as another comes, the other will chase it off.

There are like 8 feeding holes on this feeder, but yet only one, two at the most are ever on the feeder at one time.  That's my growing heart for the Body of Christ.  That we would be a people united for the Kingdom of Christ, pulling on the same rope in order that "no one would perish".  I know that is Christ's heart for us.

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