Monday, September 21, 2009

Real or Artificial?

The choices for bait were plentiful. I have no idea what they are all called, but all I know is this...Some were alive and some were rubber. I started out with a larvae looking white wormy thing that was completely rubber. I will give it's fake tail wiggled as you reeled in which seemingly made it look alive, but NOPE, it wasn't. The girls and my son, on the other hand, fished with sweet, sacrificial worms. Something about worms and being sacrificed to catch something else reminds me of Jesus. The girls and my son alike had a great fish catching day because of their authentic, real bait.
As we seek, with Jesus' guidance to lead the lost to a saving relationship with Him, I'm praying that our lives are real and authentic like the worms, and not fake like the ugly larvae. The fish were only attracted to the real bait. They sniffed (well, not sniffed, but I don't know the word) the larvae, only to move on. Is that what the world does to us as Christians? Do they come close enough to "sniff" our faith only to move on because it doesn't seem "real" or authentic?
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." (2Cor. 2:14-15)