Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fresh Perspective

I had the wonderful opportunity to go the mountains this past weekend and just "veg" with a bunch of wonderful friends. Since I live in Middle Tennessee, I don't get to behold His Glory in this way very often.

As I sat and just stared in amazement at God's beauty through nature, He reminded me of how easy it is to get into a "Glory rut". When I'm at home, I see a lot of the same sights every day...the birds in my backyard; beautiful sunrises through the same set of trees; and just the every day beauty of sameness.

God showed me that there is a HUGE world out there full of His Glory just waiting for me to see and enjoy it. Sometimes it just takes moving out of our "sameness" so that we can get a fresh perpective of His Glory from just a slightly different view. Even if it's just to drive down the road a bit to BellBuckle...His Glory is Waiting! Don't miss it!