The Path of a Raindrop
I am absolutely THRILLED to have a guest writer today. My sweet middle child Madison loves to write, and she shared with me Sunday what God showed her through the raindrops. It is so cool to see my kids grasp the legacy being passed down to them. To see God in nature is a daily reminder of His perfect faithfulness and the assurance that we are never alone.
As I'm going to church, looking out the car window, I'm watching the raindrops trickle down acrossthe car, and I picture those tiny, innocent raindrops being humans, and how a raindrop always has to go first and the other ones following the same exact path. As humans, we look at other people's walk with God and try to mirror it, so my dad or mom being the first raindrops that trickle down their walk with God. Sometimes I want to follow the same exact path with God. So, looking back, are you the follower or will you branch out and be on your own with God? Jesus has a specific path for all of us and when the "pour" of people come asking you how your life with God is, are you going to be ready for the storm?